Manno came to the SAES home when he was 9 years old. Manno is a young man that did both his primary and secondary studies with the support of Haiti Micah Project. Manno is now studying Business administration in Santo Domingo which is a city of the Dominican Republic. Manno is a very determined and driven young man. His role model is Martin Luther King Jr. He loves social justice. When he was in high school, he used to visit the prisoners in Mirebalais and bring them food and toiletries products that he would purchase with his own money. The state of the prisons in Haiti are deplorable and Manno’s heart was breaking for the prisoners, so he found her way to be helpful to them. While studying in DR, he volunteers at his church and non-profits as well. He speaks French, Creole, English and is sufficient in Spanish. He is a quick learner, always open to knowledge and has a deep understanding of life’s challenges and obstacles but he never gives up and is a problem solver. His relationship with the Lord ministers to all the children and staff at Haiti Micah Project. The Lord is at the center of who he is and all de does. He loves to give back because of how the Lord has blessed his own journey.

It is a great accomplishment for Haiti Micah to have walked the journey with Manno and see how he has blossom and grown and become the special young man that God created him to be.

Thank you to all our Haiti Micah supporters, praying partners and donors for supporting our children and helping them achieve their dreams despite the insurmountable challenges that life has dealt to them.

God bless you abundantly!

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