Elcie Chalot – A Success Story

Discover Elcie's incredible journey with the Haiti Micah Project!

My name is Elcie Charlot. I was born on September 23, 2002. I have been part of the HMP program since I joined the feeding program in 2009. I was one of the first 10 children to take residence in the SAES Home (HMP is registered with the Haitian government under SAES or Solidarite et Action pour les enfants de Sion).

My father and mother were not able to meet my needs. My father was blind, and my mother was an outdoor market vendor, but she could not meet our needs. From 2009 to 2021, I spent all these years lacking nothing because the leaders in HMP always took care of us, in one way or another. I went to EFACAP school, a public school that serves poor children like me while I was at home. When I joined SAES, I began to attend Saint Pierre College. By God’s grace, I spent all these years without being held back in any grade and thanks to the SAES Staff, I successfully completed grade school and my secondary studies.

SAES has done a lot for me and my family. If God did not put them on my path, I might not be where I am today. Now I am in college studying nursing, all this is by God’s grace because not everyone gets that chance. I am so grateful to HMP for what they have done for me until now. Special thanks to Madame Murat Charité, Madame Lemence Charité, Rev. Father Joseph Murrenz Constant, Madame Sarah Desir, and all the other HMP and SAES staff, and to all those who are contributing to the success of my life, I am praying that God will continue to protect you all and I thank you all for your help and support.

With love, Elcie Charlot

Haiti Micah Project and Elcie Chalot

We are thrilled to share the inspiring journey of Elcie Charlot, a remarkable young woman whose achievements showcase the impact of your support through the Haiti Micah Project.


Elcie entered the SAES (Solidarite et Action pour les Enfants de Sion) home in Mirebalais, Haiti, as a child. With the unwavering support of donors like you, she completed her elementary and secondary education.



Now in her early twenties, Elcie embarked on a new chapter by enrolling in a nursing program in Pignon, Haiti, not far from Mirebalais. Her dedication and hard work paid off, as she excelled in her studies. In her first year of nursing, Elcie proudly participated in a ceremony where she received her nursing hat—a symbol of her commitment and achievement.



Elcie’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and opportunity. She is an inspiration to her peers at the SAES home, demonstrating compassion, leadership, and resilience. This year, one of her friends from the orphanage, Dagene Wislande, also started nursing school at the same university attended by Elcie. Elcie is definitely a great role model for the girls in the orphanage.

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